Cover Reveal: Paint Me True by E.M. Tippetts‏

Today's Cover Reveal is E.M Tippet's latest cover re-release "Paint Me True" here on The Phantom Paragrapher.

From This :


To This : 
  Synopsis: Paint Me True - E.M Tippetts-  November 2011

Eliza began her twenties at the height of popularity. She was beautiful, stylish, and as a professional painter, had the coolest career of all of her friends. Men from church were lining up to date her, but at age thirty, she finds herself out of money, living off family charity, and dating the nerdiest loser she's ever met with no better prospects on the horizon.

A phone call from her beloved aunt summons her to Oxford, England, where she has the opportunity to paint a series depicting the ideal romance, a project that will change the way she sees life and love forevermore

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