Review: Bronte's Book Club - Kristiana Gregory

One of my goals for this coming year as it popped up in my work's PA was to read a children's book once a week , in order to write a review on it.
So this week mark's the beginning of the Children's book journey and since I have just started a book group for the Tweens at Greerton Library, I thought this was an appropiate read.
Review: Bronte's Book Club - Kristiana Gregory - April 2008

Feeling lonely and wanting to make new friends in her new community, Bronte decides to start a Book Group for lovers of books and their dogs- yes you read right -their dogs. This reminded me of the American founded programme "Reading With Dogs". On the first book group meeting, hardly anyone shows up but the second meeting Bronte is introduced to a group of girls who we will read as they all become the bestest of friends. We have Willow - whose quirky but hiding a secret she is ashamed of ? Nan - Nan lives on a boat and has been brought up in what she calls "The Simple Life" , Lupo - who dreams of being a famous actress in California and Jessie - the quiet one of the group who we discover is in the grieving process. Together over the course of the pages, these girls will read and bond over the book "Island of the Blue Dolphins" by Scott O'Dell as we see them relating the chapters to their everyday lives.
I personally would have liked to have seen more than one book discussed , but I did find that if you are a Tween and wanting to start your own book group up for you and your friends - then Bronte's Book Club gives reader's an insight into what a book group can or could look like.




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