Inkspell YA Paranormal Romance Tour #2: Reflected and The Last Protector Book Spotlight

Genre: Young Adult

Reflected by Majanka Verstraete

A Mirrorland Novel

When Alison was stuck in Mirrorland, all she wanted was to be alive again. Now she’s gotten her revenge by inhabiting Piper's body and trapping her behind the mirror. But pretending to be Piper is more difficult than she imagined it would be.

On top of that, the borders between Mirrorland and the real world are crumbling. Danger abounds, demons appear in high school, and if wasn’t for the help of a new mysterious guy, Alison might not have escaped. But there’s more to this guy than meets the eye, and she’s determined to find out what, especially since it might be related to her own supernatural problems.

Meanwhile, Piper tries to convince the Horseman of Death to help her return to her own world, but he's got his own hidden agenda, which may cause more serious risks. Can Piper find a way to restore the balance before both worlds collide?

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About the Author

Majanka Verstraete has a Master of Laws degree, and is studying for a Master of Criminology degree. She lives in Belgium, but prefers to write in English. She writes speculative fiction for kids and young adults.

Several of her books have been published so far, including picture books, chapter books and young adult novels. Her debut young adult novel, “Fractured”, the first book in the Mirrorland series, released in 2014.

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The Last Protector by Stephanie Keyes

Gabriel Stewart helped his best friend Kellen St. James save the world from The Scourge in the
Battle of Dublin. But before that? Gabe was just an ordinary guy who kept having dreams about a little boy with black hair and green eyes—a boy he hadn’t even met yet.

And even weirder? Gabe’s mind kept replaying these images on loop of things he’d never seen. He heard voices in his head when no one was around. And he actually blew off hot Valerie Gibbons to chase after the black-haired kid in the park. What was up with that?

As Gabe searches for the truth, fate continually puts him in Kellen’s path, but will he be able to stop the Children of Danu from stealing Kellen before the battle begins? What will it take for Gabe to become The Last Protector?

*The Last Protector is a companion novella--intended to be read after the other books in the series.
Ebook only: $0.99*

Buy Links: Amazon

~About the Author~

Stephanie Keyes grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and spent years traveling and working as a Corporate Trainer before she made the decision to pen her first novel. As a teen, her family always accused her of having an “overactive imagination.” Now, she’s encouraged to keep her head in the clouds and share her world with readers.

Keyes is the author of the YA Fantasy series, The Star Child, which currently includes The Star Child, After Faerie, The Fallen Stars, and The Star Catcher, all from by Inkspell Publishing. The Fallen Stars was a 2013 semi-finalist in the Kindle Book Awards. The Star Child has topped the Amazon best-seller list several times since its 2012 release. Steph writes YA novels because she’s a hopeless romantic who lives to believe that Magick truly does exist. She is hard at work on a new YA novel.

Author Links: Site    Facebook   Twitter  Tumblr   Google+

~About Inkspell Publishing~

Inkspell Publishing is a small quality publisher who help authors with their dream of publication. Inkspell has become known for its stunning covers and quality books. It features Young Adult, New Adult, Paranormal Romance and Contemporary Romance books. Check out our books, submission guidelines and outstanding covers on our website.

Inkspell Publishing has over 48 current releases in a variety of genres from Young Adult to Contemporary, from Paranormal Romance to Science Fiction Romance, Holiday stories and weddings. Inkspell Publishing even has free reads, some of which tie into our series books. You see there’s something for everyone. Our goal is to produce quality books that appeal to a wide variety of readers. We are always looking for quality stories and driven authors.


Inkspell Publishing is giving away a $5.00 Amazon during the tour. For a chance to win please fill out the rafflecopter below.


  1. Thank you for featuring Stephanie's and Majanka's books!


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