VBT# Anya and the Shy Guy - Suze Winegardner

Anya and the Shy Guy

Review: Anya and the Shy Guy - Book #4 Backstage Pass Series - Suze Winegardner - July 2015

The next installment of the Backstage Pass Series featuring the band Seconds to Juliet features Anya Anderson who is acting under false pretenses as a journalist as the thing is she is homeless and this is the only way she can earn fast money. Though it seems that she is not the only one keepinga huge secret that if it ever got out could cause harm and chaos. Matt is filling in for his twin brother Will who is the "real singer" and the one known as the "Shy Guy". Will is currently in rehab as after an injury to his shoulder, he found himself addicted to pills and one thing led to another and he found his way to rehab in order to get clean. The catch though was that Matt had to take his place otherwise Will's family would have been sued for everything they have. Can Matt keep up the game as Will especially with having Anya as his shadow and even more so that he actually likes Anya ? What will happen though when Anya's past threatens to bubble up to the surface and she is left wondering whether Matt/Will would ever love a girl like her - someone who has lived on the streets, in shelters etc ? Out of the three Backstage Pass series books I have read, I quite enjoyed this one and it could be either the journalist in me as I love books that have to do with journalism , magazines or the fact that Anya and Matt are just regular somebodies trying to immerse and disguise themselves in the world of celebrities.
If you love Teen Romance and Music Stories and Boy Bands then Anya and the Shy Guy by Suze Winegardner is the read for you.


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