Review: A Season of Hope - Sarra Cannon

A Season for Hope (Fairhope, #3)

Review: A Season of Hope - Book #3 Fairhope Series - Sarra Cannon - October 2013

A couple of years ago , 11 authors - it was supposed to be 12 got together and created a collection of New Adult stories for Christmas . The Collection was called "The 12 NA's of Christmas". One of the books in the collection was Sarra Cannon's A Season of Hope. In this book we meet Bailey who has what she believes is the perfect life with a handsome and rich boyfriend Preston , but lately things haven't been going well for them and she can sense he is pulling away and Bailey ends up being dumped by Preston and if that wasn't bad enough, it's just before the holiday season.  This puts Bailey down a spiralling hole as she doesn't know who she is without Preston and as she starts to rebuild her new life, we discover that in order to be with Preston, she changed her self - the way she talked, dressed and what she did and didn't do, she was a whole different person around him. On one of her first days back to reality, she crashes into Judd - a med student on their campus. As the pair get talking, Judd asks Bailey out and she reluctantly agrees and the pair get close - however there is still a wall up and that is called "comparing to Preston". Can Bailey let Judd into her heart or is she still letting Preston rule her life ? What will happen though when the pair start walking on shaky ground and Preston swoops in ? Will this be the final straw for Judd , will he choose to walk away with a "he can't compete" attitude ? Or will this be the turning point that Bailey realises that she is in love with Judd and he is to be her "happily ever after" ?
 Find out in "A Season of Hope" by Sarra Cannon. 



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