VBT# Sinners and Saints - Chelsea Ballinger

Sinners & Saints ( Sinners & Saints #1)

Review: Sinners and Saints - Book #1 Sinners and Saints Series - Chelsea Ballinger - June 2015

Sinners and Saints starts off at a funeral for Gabriel Mandrake. At the funeral, we meet Scarlett , whom seems a twisted sort.  The remaining Mandrake boys are now down to two twins Hugo and August . August is autistic which made me , though he wasn't exactly a main part of the story made me love his character - possibly because I have experience with siblings etc with autism . As I got reading deeper into the story it had a Cruel Intentions feel to it - you know the movie that stars Ryan Phillippe and then we discover that Scarlet- the main leader loves to play games and thus the book became a bit like the tv show Gossip Girl as in a way Scarlett reminded me a cross between Blair and Georgina.  When the rich and wealthy get bored , they love to take risks and play games with other people, use them as their pawns for their own enjoyment. Gabriel couldn't handle it , so he died and now it's Scarlet's turn to train Hugo and he's a good little follower. That is until Juliet arrives at Miss Eleanor's and she isn't like the rest of them - her character reminded me of Serena.  She can see the dangers at play and also has a thing for Hugo. Can Juliet be Hugo's saving grace ? Can she show him that their is still goodness and light within his heart and that he can walk away from Scarlett's hold ?
Find out in Book #1 Sinners and Saints - which side are you on ? by Chelsea Ballinger .



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