Review: The Dead List - Jennifer L. Armentrout

The Dead List

Review: The Dead List - Jennifer L. Armentrout - April 2017
As a fan of mystery novels, this one intrigued me as the cover was quite eye-catching. The Dead List had a good beginning and then ended up with a twist that was complicated and simple at the same time. I do have to admit, I had an idea of the ending coming but was still surprised at parts of the book. The Dead List read like a screenplay of the revenge movies like Valentine and Urban Legend 3. In The Dead List, it starts with Ella being attacked at a party and getting away thanks to an old friend who has returned home. When then learn that one of their female classmates was kidnapped and has disappeared and her body has not been found. The book then jumps to the past about an incident that happened in Ella's life with her three best guy friends Jensen, Graham and Penn. As more Classmates start to disappear and random objects and threatening notes appear it seems that someone has a kill list or as Jennifer L. Armentrout has called it "The Dead List." Why are Ella's classmates being killed /attacked and who wants them dead? The Dead List was more YA than New Adult and a clean murder mystery novel compared to the more gruesome ones that we often think of when we hear the words "Murder Mystery" and Dead. 


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