Review : A Midsummers Night Fling - Eliza Walker

Image result for Midsummer's Night Dream 

A Midsummer Night's Fling (Much Ado About Love, #1) 

Review: A Midsummer Night's Fling - Book #1 Much Ado About Love Series - Eliza Walker - June 2016

Five years ago Nicola had her heartbroken by Max, and they went their separate ways with her going to Broadway and touring with the shows. Five years ago though, Max's career went down the loo, and he became blacklisted until a mutual friend of theirs Rita gave him a chance. Now the lead female character for Titania has left the show, and they need a replacement. Enter in Nicola who has moved back home for stability and accepted the role. However when she gets to the theater things aren't what they seem as they have backstabbing directors, actors who will do anything to get a part. The other thing that hasn't changed no matter how much they want to hate one another is the sizzling chemistry between Nicola and Max and Max has been cast as none other than Oberon - Nicola's romantic counterpart in A Midsummers Night Dream. What will happen though when the pair start a fling again, only for their love for one another bubble back up to the surface and when it does Nicola is offered a big part in a Broadway musical show? Will Nicola choose the life of the theater and her career over her love for Max or will they learn that love is the most important thing and that they can have both?
Find out in this contemporary theater romance "A Midsummers Night Fling" by Eliza Watson.



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