Release Blitz - SHALLOW by Yessi Smith

Title: Shallow
Author: Yessi Smith
Genre: Young Adult

“Shallow is a journey of turmoil, hope, loss and love. Overcoming fears from the past, and fighting for a future in a beautifully written story that bled off its pages and came to life.” ~ NYTimes bestselling author, L.A. Casey

Brinley Crassus
Sedlacek College Preparatory High School’s princess.
She belittled the weak, the easy prey, using her victims to hide her own wounds.
Roderick Roher
Sedlacek College Preparatory High School’s freak.
He didn’t need anyone, only the script that bled from his soul.
He was the boy she turned her back on when he needed her the most.
When she needed him the most.
Words tore them apart, and ultimately brought them back together. But once again, callous whispers fell from betrayed lips, threatening to destroy what they’d vowed to protect.
When the echo of their argument leaves their relationship in turmoil, Brinley and Roderick are faced with the ultimate decision – fight desperately together or surrender to lives apart.

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Yessi Smith is a South Florida who lives in Texas with her husband and two sons.
She has a bachelor’s degree in business management and a master’s in human resource management. She has held several jobs, from picking up dog poop to upper management positions. Now, she hopes to leave the business world behind, so she can live full-time in a world that does not exist until she places her fingers on a keyboard and brings it to fruition.
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