VBT# Identity Break - Stephen H Provost

Identity Break

Review: Identity Break - Stephen H. Provost - February 2018
I wasn't too sure what to expect from this book but it sounded interesting. Two teens display amazing abilities and have grown up with seamlessly perfect and happy lives but they are both about to discover that everything that they have known is a complete lie and that what made them special has been manufactured and now they are being hunted. Jason has always had what he believes as a photographic and eidetic memory. He sees something and then he can do it and Elyse has always felt a little different. I have to admit out of the characters I felt mostly for Elyse as she will discover her family is not exactly her "family" and her whole existence has been a lie. The book goes on to the pair of them escaping and then being on the run from the company that wants them captured which is the drug company which has been experimenting on them for years. This is a heart-pounding thrill ride as Jason and Elyse, previously known to each other only by name, become close and work together to get free of the gap closing authorities. They get help from a couple of unexpected sources, but the hunters just keep closing on them. This novel also contains the prequel novella “Artiface” which is just as intense.


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