Review: Never Let Go - Elizabeth Goddard

Never Let Go (Uncommon Justice #1)

Review: Never Let Go - Book #1 Uncommon Justice Series - Elizabeth Goddard - February 2019
Lately, I have been on a bit of a mystery buzz, and in the past, I had gone off ECF type books as they just seemed to be the same story over and over again. I had never read any of this author's before, but it had captured my attention as featured the case of a baby who was abducted via hospital when it was a few hours old over twenty years ago.  Katelyn Mason had just given birth only to have her baby stolen from her; she spent many years searching but eventually ended up as a cold case with the FBI. Given only a few months left to live now twenty-one years later, she wants to try again and went to the experts JT Anderson. He was about to take the case when he was killed in a biking accident. Now his granddaughter Willow has accepted the case, only to have her home burn down. It seems that someone out there doesn't want the baby to be found and is sabotaging it at every stop. What's worst though is that they are even willing to go to extremes and kill for the truth to remain hidden. Enter Austin who was a friend of JT's and a past romantic interest of Willow's. With his expertise and FBI knowledge in CARD which is the search and recuse for missing children, the pair set out to follow the clues which lead to Austin's hometown.  Never Let Go was an action-packed book which features something for everyone from the genealogy research side which strongly appealed to me as it's something I am currently trying to do for my Dad and then the romantic suspense side of the original kidnappings and the abductions and dangerous situations that Austin and Willow are put into throughout the book.


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