VBT # Review: Work in Progress - Staci Hart

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Work in Progress

Review: Work in Progress - Staci Hart - January 2019
Though this book can be read as a standalone, it is part of what is called The Red Lipstick Club as we are reunited with our group of favorite flatmates from Rin, Val, Katherine, and Amelia. Work in Progress is Amelia's story.  I have to admit; I love this series as I feel connected in one way or another with all the characters from Rin being into Art to Katherine whom the next book will be working in a library to Amelia whom this book is about being a book blogger like myself. I loved this book which in a way I knew I would as I have not found a Staci Hart book that I haven't in one way or another enjoyed. My only qualm is that the Thomas Bane on the cover here is not how I imagined him as I hate guys with long hair, it just doesn't do anything for me, and the guy on the cover looks more like a greasy rockstar rather than a writer hottie. Amelia is the type of girl whom being introverted was coined for - she hates crowds, finds being around people nervewracking and stumbles over her words. She loves hiding behind a screen as that's when her voice takes over and becomes alive. One of her authors that she loves to hate is Thomas Bane, and when she gets the chance to meet him, she finds herself falling down the rabbit hole as she goes from the stranger who reviewed his books harshly to his fake wife almost instantly. Needing to up his reputation, he employs Amelia. Of course, we all know how the story will end as it tends to work out with fake romance tales. I think the reason I enjoyed this book more than other fake romances was because I connected with Amelia's character in more than way. During the last few pages, we are given a glimpse to the next book - Katherine's story which I admitted, I was like OMG I can't wait. I am however going to have to work my way back as I have seemed to have somehow missed Val and Sam's story. Work in Progress is the perfect read for those true book bloggers all around the world as in a way; this story is our fantasy.


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