Review: Adult Supervision Required - Sarah Peis

Adult Supervision Required

Review: Adult Supervision Required - Sarah Peis - May 2021

This book captured my attention from the brightly colored cover and even though we are told not to judge a book by the cover, this one screamed "read me" and sounded fun and quirky. Adult Supervision Required by Sarah Peis took readers on a rollercoaster ride of emotions and antics, some crazy. In this book, we meet Nora who is a single mother to two young children Luca and Lena. Her ex is a waste of space and trouble follows him and now she has to work as a bartender at a strip club that is run by Bikers to pay the bills. What will happen though when her ex turns up begging for a place to crash as he is in danger. The next morning, she and Lena are kidnapped by Bikers and Nora discovers that her waste of an ex has stolen from the bikers and now they believe that Nora can lead them to him. The thing is Nora knows that's not true, but doesn't say much and ends up having hottie Sebastian - a bouncer from the club she works at as her bodyguard. Soon Nora and her kids' lives are thrust into the world of bikers, dangerous men, and a whole lot of trouble when Sebastian's real identity is revealed. This was a cutesy and fun read with Nora being quite a quirky character and I loved the interaction between herself, her kids, and the bikers. It felt like one big mismatched family. If you are looking for a fun romantic comedy read, then check out Adult Supervision Required by Sarah Peis today.



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