Review: Friends Til the End - ReShonda Tate Billingsley

Friends 'til the End (Good Girlz, #6)

Review: Friends Til' The End - Book #6 Good Girlz Series - ReShonda Tate Billingsley - February 2009.

Back in 2007-2009, I started a great YA Christian series set with a strong African-American / Hispanic feel to it. That series was called Good Girlz by ReShonda Tate Billingsley. As many readers of my reviews will know, this year I made the goal to try and read some of my older books off my devices. As I was scrolling through, I came across ReShonda Tate Billingsley's books of the Good Girlz. I clicked into Friends Til the End and was instantly reunited with the characters of Jasmine, Angel, Camille, and Alexis and their youth group leader Rachel. In Friends Til' the End we mainly focus on Jasmine as she is caught in a Romeo and Juliet situation when her boyfriend's twin brother is accused of shooting Jasmine's brother. Jasmine's brother was clean and on his way to big things until his life was drastically cut short. Now Jasmine is torn between her love of CJ and her family loyalty and then left with wondering about God and why he would let this happen to her brother of all people? Angel is wanting her baby daddy Marcus to buck up his ideas and take responsibility, will it take a near-death experience to get Marcus to get to know his daughter? Can Jasmine's friends help her stay strong and not fall into a spiraling hole with grief and stray from God? Find out in Friends Til' the End by ReShonda Tate Billingsley, a story that shows the power of friendships and support in the time of tragedy.




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