Review: 20 Minutes Later - Daniel Hurst

20 Minutes Later (20 Minute Series #2)

Review: 20 Minutes Later - Book #2 20 Minutes Series - Daniel Hurst - April 2020

Set 20 minutes later after Book one 20 minutes on the Tube, we have a mixture of some of the characters from the first book and a few new ones- some we glimpsed in the first book, but didn't go into details about their stories. We have Jelena and Bodgan, Jelena has finally been rescued away from her captors and Bodgan is reunited with the girl who he loved at school, and saving her has reignited his spirits. We meet Jelena's captors, one who ends up being murdered while the other set off a bomb and kills their elderly neighbor. The explosion is one of the main storylines for this book which introduced us to several new characters from the 999 operators to a few neighbors and then the ticket holders from the UK to France line. Remember Harry who was off to visit his dad for the first time and sadly his dad jumped in front of the Tube in Book #1. This book also has the meeting that would have ruined his life and sent him to jail for fraud and we meet a few of his co-workers and the moment they learn he is dead. I love this series as it is different as each chapter focuses on one character for the 20 minutes and it flows very nicely as well as it solidifies that there is always more than one side to a story and everyone views life differently.  This series is very personable as you can't help feeling connected to all the characters and becoming invested in their lives even if it is just for a short while. I am looking forward to reading the next book in this series - 20 Minutes in the Park.



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