Review: The Last Invitation - Darby Kane

Review: The Last Invitation - Darby Kane - December 2022

Imagine a group of powerful women who had the power to dish out their brand of justice. In this psychological thriller, we first meet Gabby whose ex-husband has just been found dead and it is looking like a suicide. Gabby knows this is impossible as her ex wasn't the type to just kill himself. On the other side, we have lawyer Jessa who is going through a court case at the moment where the abusive husband is determined to ruin Jessa's life as she stands in the way of him controlling his wife Ellie and their five-year-old son. As the book goes along, we read as both Gabby's and Jessa's lives are being targeted and their secrets aired to the world. For Gabby, she is more determined than ever to get to the truth but will she be acceptable with the consequences of her dirty laundry aired and those she loves being hurt. Meanwhile, Jessa is being offered an opportunity of a lifetime but will she be able to bend the rules or will she be too set in her ways of trying to follow the law. By the end of this book, one of these two women will be dead and the other will be walking on thin ice. I enjoyed this thriller and I am now adding Darby Kane's other books to my list of future reads.


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