Review: Buried Secrets - Joseph Finder

Are you looking for a fun Adventure novel that will get your pulse quickening ?

Buried Secrets (Nick Heller)
Review: Buried Secrets - Nick Heller Book #2- Joseph Finder - June 2011
When I was asked to read and review Buried Secrets by Joseph Finder, my mind was like usual in two separate thinking modes , the first was A) wow , I've been emailed to review Joseph Finder's new book, we have his books in the library where I work - to me it always feels like a privilege to read and review authors that are worldly and widely known when you think back to the real reason you started the book review site, was to put to use the book knowledge you have and all those books that we digest if you are anything like me on a daily basis , the second thought was B) I wonder what Joseph Finder's writing style is actually like as I knew he was adventure and legal fiction but I'd never actually picked up one of his books before. Now this is the funny part, the library owned a couple of his books and I picked up Killer Instinct and Power Play. Killer Instinct I couldnt really get into and Power Play was average so that didn't leave me in high hopes for Buried Secrets . Readers though get ready for this , I LOVED Buried Secrets , it was awesome and kept me entertained right to the very last page and I have to say that I'll be adding Nick Heller up there with Jack Reacher, Joe Hunter, Myron Bolitar and Jack London.
Buried Secret's takes us into the heart of Nick Heller as a person and the lengths that he will go to , to discover the truth and nothing but the truth. The story starts with Nick being phoned up by an old family friend Marshall whose daughter Alexa has been kidnapped . It seems though that Marshall is hiding more than he can keep hidden and has bitten off more than he can chew , as he is currently under investigation by the FBI . We soon discover though, that his new wife Belinda isn't all she is cracked up to be and that somehow Marshall is caught up in a tangled web of lies, manipulation and that if he isn't careful - his daughter may never wake up. Alexa has been kidnapped and held in her worst nightmare - buried alive ten feet underground and if Nick can't rescue her in time , then they may very well be using that same coffin to bury her in properly.
Can Nick save the day and find Alexa or will Marshall's past and current situation add more fuel to the fire of those holding Alexa and pulling the reins?
Find out in this new awesome series which I too will be following Nick Heller in Joseph Finder's "Buried Secrets".


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