Top 5 Sunday - 5 Books For an Urban Fantasy First-Timer

Today's Top 5 Sunday is the Top 5 Books you would give a First Timer of Urban Fantasy

  1. And Falling Fly - Skyler White
    and Falling, Fly
  2. Brooklyn Knight - CJ Henderson
    Brooklyn Knight
  3. Some Girls Bite - Chloe Neill
    Some Girls Bite (Chicagoland Vampires, Book 1)
  4. Dead Until Dark - Charlaine Harris
    Dead Until Dark (Sookie Stackhouse, Book 1)
  5. Whispered Lies - (B.A.D) - Dianna Love and Sherrilyn Kenyon
    Whispered Lies


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog,,and I have to say I haven't read any of the books you have listed but a couple of them have popped up more than once,,the one by Chloe Neill has definately moved up on my TBR list cause I have seen it alot..and Im following back,,Im real new to the blogging and if you have insight or advise on my reviews or anything,,all help is welcome,,

  2. Great picks! Urban Fantasy is a great genre to choose from. :)

    Some Girls Bite is great!

    Here are mine:

  3. Great picks, I've been curious about Brooklyn Knight, so I'll have to put it on the list. :)

  4. Nice choices as well!! Love Chicagoland Vampires--it's actually one I need to get for my friend still!! And the Southern Vampire mysteries were awesome as well!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Happy Reading!

    Jessica@a GREAT read

  5. Great choices! Love Chloe's books. I'm going to have to check out the rest of them.


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