Top Ten Tuesday : Reasons I Love Book Blogging

Today's Top Ten Tuesday, when I saw it , I thought this could be easy but then it proved to be a tad difficult, so Ive added a couple of reasons about Book Blogging on other sites.

  1. The Opportunities that arise from Book Blogging - An editor of an online magazine saw my site and asked me if I would write the book review column on their site. I've been asked to write guest blog topics , a monthly book related blog which you can see in my Literary Musings as part of an Australian online bookstore etc
  2. The free books - I am such a huge reader and it is amazing the amount of books that one is sent to review and all your favourite authors as well .
  3. The networking with authors/publishers/editors etc - The amount of networking that comes out of book blogging is amazing , since Ive started my facebook page went to the 5000 friend limit and I had to open a second page thats at about 200.
  4. Meeting other book bloggers - I love talking and emailing with other book bloggers and you can soon start to strike up online friendships.
  5. Following other book blogs - theres such an amazing array of book blogs to join that I try and join at least 20 new ones a week.
  6. Discovery of New Books - Seeing in Google reader, the list of new books that people are reviewing or have recieved in their mailboxes - ones that you add to your never-ending TBR Piles .
  7. The different memes that are availiable , they are fun and build up your blogging profile.
  8. The recognition and emails as being in New Zealand, I can't really go to all these events and Ive had people email me to review their books as my name has been passed around at conventions , word of mouth etc.
  9. Followers - The joy of having new followers, I dont know about you but everytime I see a new follower it perks me up :)
  10. Lastly, the joy of writing and sharing the awesome books I have read with the world.
PS: That actually turned out easier than I thought :)


  1. New follower :) Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. I completely agree with #9!

  2. New followers make me happy too! Your list is great and really insightful as to why it's great being a book blogger. There's definitely a joy in talking about books with other people who have similar tastes as you and even fun getting into discussions with people who don't.

  3. I agree! A lot of opportunities arise from blogging. I love it! New follower. Thanks for stopping by my site :)

  4. Great list, I definitely agree with everything you said :)

  5. Great list! I love the opportunity to "meet" so many people I would've never had the chance to "meet" otherwise.

  6. Great list! I don't know if I could come up with 10 reasons, so I will skip this meme for this week.


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