Review : Change of Heart - Norah McClintock

    My journey to find the perfect symbol for Edgy Content has finally come to an end as today I found on Google Images the perfect picture :).
Today's book review is one of a large series that seems to follow the same set of characters,it almost reminds me of like a Scooby Doo type series.
Today readers, on The Phantom Paragrapher I bring to you Book #7
Review: Change of Heart - Book #7 Robyn Hunter Series - Norah McClintock- October 2009
Originally published in 2009, Norah McClintock's series Robyn Hunter have had their covers redesigned to become more of a modern series for teens to read. I am glad that they have been as if not I may never had discovered a new series to read and a new author to look for when it comes to edgy teen fiction. Change of Heart was definitely one of those novels that pulled at your heartstrings and had you wondering what was happening and what was actually going on. The novel starts with two boys having a fight over a girl , it looks harmless and could have been but the blood between these two boys Billy and Sean runs deep and its not good blood either.  With Sean dating Billy's ex-girlfriend it seems that Sean has everything Billy wanted and when it seems that somebody is targeting Sean - Billy becomes the number #1 suspect. When tragedy strikes , it seems somebody wants to frame Billy as Robyn believes and this time the framing could put him away for life - for murder. Robyn now stuck in the middle between Billy - the convicted and Morgan - her other best friend and Sean's girlfriend - Can she do what's right for both of her friends and clear not only Billy's name but find out the truth and save her friendship with Morgan or will Robyn be forced to take sides ?
A fast-paced teen novel that really keeps you on your toes and a great read that you won't want to put down with an ending that will keep you guessing right till the very end.



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