Review: Shadowlands - Kate Brian

Looking for a new book to read ? Have you read Kate Brian's Private Series and loved it and want more books by her ?
Check out her latest hit "Shadowlands".
Review: Shadowlands - Book #1 Shadowlands Series - Kate Brian - January 2013
Wow , where to begin but this is one book that you will have to read in one setting and I can say without giving to much away - if you are like me and haven't caught onto what is happening near the end of the novel - the ending will blow you away and you will be all like OMG , I so did not see that coming, how on earth and AAH now I get it .
When I saw Shadowlands , I wasn't too sure what to expect as the only thing that I had read previously of Kate Brian's was her complete Private Series and I actually have her other series which was a spin-off from that series to read.  Shadowlands starts with the main character Rory - not short for Lorelai if you were wondering , walking through the forest home where she is attacked by who we later learn is a serial killer - her and her family are then put into the witness protection programme and moved to a smalltown. Things though aren't what they seem in the town and people are starting to disappear and worse others like Darcy - Rory's sister are not remembering them.  What is happening here ? Can Rory get to the bottom of things and when she does - will she like what she hears ?
This book reminded me of a cross between the film "Passengers" starring Anne Hathaway and the TV Show "Eureka".
An interesting book that I look forward to seeing what direction they take the next books in the series.


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