Review: A Heartbeat Away - Dr. Harry Kraus

What would you do if you had memories of someone trying to kill you but they weren't exactly yours ? From Christian writer and Medical Doctor comes another wonderful Christian fiction novel "A Heartbeat Away" by Dr. Harry Kraus.
Review: A Heartbeat Away - Dr. Harry Kraus - September 2012
Have you ever read Cecelia Ahern's book "Thanks for the Memories" in which it discussed about a women who had gotten a blood transfusion and then she started to develop memories of the man who had given her the blood? This is a case called Transference Memories where certain people recieve parts of others bodies and with that transference comes memories of the original owner. It is very rare but it has said to occur, how it happens or why it happens - nobody knows. In A Heartbeat Away , Harry has taken the idea and created his new novel surrounding it when Dr. Tori Taylor ends up almost dying and getting a new heart - she starts to develop nightmares of sorts - the nightmares though aren't like the monster hiding under your bed or in your closet type , but are vivid - almost like they are repressed memories. How is this possible ? Dr. Tori Taylor now with the assistance of her friend Charlotte and newfound friend hospital shrink and counsellor Phin must embark on a journey to discover where her heart came from as the memories are telling Tori, that something bad was the cause of the owner's death and not just a simple electrical fire.  This novel is filled with intensity , christian aspects , medical terminology , action , adventure and of course MURDER. This novel also is told in two POV's and set in a Past/Present tense. E.g Before the Operation when the Donor was Young to After the Operation- the current time.
If you love Medical novels and also looking towards a Christian aspect , try any one of Dr. Harry Kraus's novels and you will find yourself impressed.


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