Cover Reveal : Blind Salvage by Shannon Mayer‏

New Adult/Adult Paranormal Romance by Shannon Mayer
Releasing November 21, 2013

Blind Salvage (A Rylee Adamson Novel, Book 5)
Cover designed by: Damon Za
Publisher: HiJinks Ink Publishing, Ltd.

"My name is Rylee, and I am a Tracker." When children go missing, and the Humans have no leads, I'm the one they call. I am their last hope in bringing home the lost ones. I salvage what they cannot. Crossing into Ogre country is dangerous when you're a polite, respectful gal. Which means I already know I'm in for a wild ride, despite the back up I've brought along. Even when things start to go sideways, and enemies close on us from every side, I still believe we have the upper hand. How very blind can one person be when it comes to a salvage? I'm about to find out. 

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About the Author Shannon Mayer lives in the southwestern tip of Canada with her husband, dog, cats, horse, and cows. When not writing she spends her time staring at immense amounts of rain, herding old people (similar to herding cats) and attempting to stay out of trouble. Especially that last is difficult for her. She is the author of the The Rylee Adamson Novels, The Nevermore Trilogy, A Celtic Legacy series and several contemporary romances. Please visit her website at for more information on her novels.   Website | Facebook | Twitter  

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  1. Hi Paula,

    This is Lysa, Shannon Mayer's Assistant. I wanted to take a moment to thank you for being a part of the Cover Reveal for “Blind Salvage”-Book 5 in The Rylee Adamson Novels. I am sending you a private message with a great offer, so please check your email!

    Thanks again for the support!


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