VBT# After Hello - Lisa Mangum


Review: After Hello - Lisa Mangum - September 2012

One of the awesome things that I love about being a book blogger is that you get to read and review awesome books, that you might not have ever known about and are introduced to different authors that you may never have discovered. One of those authors is Lisa Mangum whom I was introduced to her books a few years ago with The Hourglass Trilogy , so when I saw she had a new one out, I jumped at the chance to read it . I do have to say though that this is one of the most awesome covers ever.  After Hello takes us to the city of New York and as I was reading it , it kept making me excited as I will be going there for the first time in 12 weeks. In New York, we meet Sara without an H who is there for the day whilst who father signs over his internet company which he has just sold and Sam who is a finder - this reminded me of the TV show I had just finished watching called "The Finder". The novel follows Sam and Sara as they are set out to find "the perfect picture" for high-maintenance actress Piper Kinkade. The story follows Sam and Sara's intense day and where they will discover that sometimes the right person can come along and teach you a thing or two about life and who you are as a person and how that even your deepest wishes and desires are closer than you think and are only a step away from achieving them.
This was a lovely read and I think if you have a moment or two that this is one of those books you could just relax and read.



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