VBT# Man of My Dreams - Faith Andrews

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Review: Man of My Dreams - Faith Andrews - September 2013

Have you ever thought about the one who got away ? That lost love where you sit back and think Hmmm, if only I had been a bit more confident or the timing was right - I could have ended up with my Mr. Perfect , My man of my dreams type of guy.  For Mia, all through high school - her dream guy was Noah. Up to the day they left for college, Noah had been the one guy for her -her dream man. Whilst in college, Mia meets Declan - a fellow student who will later become her husband. While out one night on a girls night , Mia runs into Noah- again he tries but this time she has a steady boyfriend Declan. Years pass and Declan and Mia get married and have two children. It's time for Mia's 10 year reunion and life couldn't be any worse as she and her husband are having marital problems as he cheated on her and then lied about it. Whilst at the reunion, Mia runs into Noah - this time she is free , well -sort-of and the pair hit it off with that chemistry still brewing.  Is this finally the time that Mia will get her Man of my Dreams or will Declan come back and prove to Mia that he is the one she is supposed to be with and that despite his awful mistake which he regrets profusely - she is and always be the "one" for him. Who will Mia choose - her husband Declan or the Man of my Dreams - Noah ?



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