A Special Connection by Theresa Troutman Spotlight


Synopsis: A Special Connection - Theresa Troutman - February 2014

Life has been a constant challenge for Jake Lewis. Left paralyzed emotionally and physically by a car accident, which killed his parents when he was just twelve years old, Jake struggles to be happy. His best friends, Rick Welsh and Samantha Andrews, are a couple who fight as passionately as they make up. This puts Jake in an awkward position.!
Three friends who are as close as can be. !
Rick Welsh, the hotshot basketball player, who hopes to leave college and go pro.! Samantha Andrews, the brainiac, blessed with common sense and beauty.!
Jake Lewis, the crippled virgin, who believes no girl could love a damaged guy with a disability.!
In despair, these friends share a moment that will forever change their lives. !
Life is messy.!
Love is complicated. !
True love doesn’t always come wrapped in a pretty package with a bow on top.!
Is it possible that the friend you never had sexual feelings for is the person who will touch your soul like no other?

Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20747778-a-special-connection?from_search=true



  1. Thanks for featuring my book, A Special Connection! My new novel, Life's What You Make It is out now.


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