Review: The Jersey Devil Made Me Do It - Colleen Thompson


Review: The Jersey Devil Made Me Do It - Colleen Thompson - June 2013

Those readers who follow The Phantom Paragrapher and who know me, understand that Pretty Little Liars is one of my obsessions and I just love it so much. So of course, when I discovered the art of Kindle Worlds and learned that lots of people had written PLL Fan Fiction stories, I had to buy them all. In The Jersey Devil Made Me Do it - it's Spring Break for the girls and they are making their way out of Rosewood and into Shorewood. This story takes place after a few events in which if you have watched the show and read Sara Shepard's books you will remember.  Emily has just gotten back from Haiti where she was building Homes for Habitat for Humanity and is also trying to recuperate from the death of her girlfriend Maya. Aria is back dating Ezra but on the down-low as Holden has been asked to spy on Aria for her father, fans will remember this part from the TV Show. While in Shorewood, the girls also run into Seth - he was the little creepy boy from that shop that the girls visited after receiving the dolls from "A" and of course he knew all about Ali. The A - twist in this book is that one of the girls may not make it home . Who will it be ? Will it be Hanna who gets stuck with the raving homeless guy ? Aria - who is following Holden ? Spencer - who is following Seth's lead and wondering what the Jersey Devil has to do with it ? or Emily - still trying to cope with Maya's death and has developed a bit of a drinking problem ?
Find out in Colleen Thompson's awesome PLL Kindle Worlds story "The Jersey Devil Made Me Do It'.



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