VBT# Kissing Eden - T.A Foster


Review: Kissing Eden - T.A Foster - March 2014

Living in New Zealand, we don't really have Spring Break so as a reader, I live Spring Break vicariously through the books and characters I meet. It seems that it must be that time of year as currently I have read a few Spring Break set-books.  Kissing Eden features Eden Brady who did have a plan for Spring Break until her boyfriend of 3 semesters Brad broke up with her leaving her plan-less but seeing as she had her tickets etc, she decided to high-tail it to South Padre. However, Eden has a really rocky-start to her holiday as Brad has cancelled her room reservation and left his name attached to it and to make matters worse, the airline has lost her luggage and they don't really care about it either - this made me wonder due to personal experience if the character used American Airlines as they lost my luggage for six days. Despite disaster upon disaster, Eden must have one of those "nice" people faces and personalities as she begins to meet the locals who all help her out one way or another. It is at her new lodging facility "Palm Plaza" that she meets Grey - the owner. At first he is seen as rude and inconsiderate, but as the story goes along the chemistry between the two becomes more apparent and readers know the rest. Things are starting to come back together for Eden and who knows her and Grey might actually have something, that is until his ex- girlfriend Laura comes back to town with unfinished business. 
Was this just a "spring break fling " between Eden and Grey or is there something deeper?
Will Eden ever get her luggage back ?
 Find out in T.A Foster's Spring Break Read "Kissing Eden".




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