VBT# Home to You - Taylor Sullivan

Home to You (Suspicious Hearts #1)

Review: Home to You - Book #1 Suspicious Hearts Series - Taylor Sullivan - August 2015

Growing up Katie had her two favourite guys always protecting her - her big brother  and his friend Jake Johnson. Growing up Katie always had the most major crush on Jake but seeing her as his best friend's little sister - the relationship never went anywhere. Then tragedy struck and Katie's brother died in a work accident which Jake blamed himself for.  Feeling the need to get away from it all, Katie moved on where she met Kevin - things were going well for the past two years until now when she is given an envelope of Kevin having sex with multiple women. Hurt and Heartbroken, Katie goes back to the one place she dreamed she never would - straight back into the arms of the one person she knew she could turn to help - Jake Johnson. A lot has changed in three years and Jake has a model looking girlfriend Grace who isn't very happy about Katie's intruding into their life especially when it's clear that Jake loves Katie.  As most contemporary romance readers know, we can catch the gist of the way this book will go with Grace and Jake's relationship getting strained to the point where they break up , because of course we all know that Jake is meant to be with Katie - it just takes them a long time in Home To You as I was reading through the book and getting closer to the ending and they were still playing cat and mouse but eventually love always triumphs and the couple finally realise that really they were meant to be together all along.
If you love romance stories with an HEA and wanting just a nice cosy book with a romance thread to tie you during the day, then check out Home to You by Taylor Sullivan today.



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