VBT# Midnight Run - Charity Hillis

Midnight Run (Once Upon a Desire Book 1)

Review: Midnight Run - Book #1 Once Upon A Desire - Charity Hillis - May 2015

Are you one for where the "plain jane" , the ordinary one gets the hot guy ? I love stories like that probably more so as I often can relate to the one being called the "plain jane" rather than the stunning pretty leggy blonde girl. In Midnight Run, I instantly liked the character Nora as she lives in New York City and works hard at Books, Brew Coffee shop where she is treated like rubbish by the other employees but she is definitely hardworking and I felt when I was reading the book that she was a kindred spirit.  The book starts with Nora at the coffee shop cleaning up a mess when a hot texan walks in - Kingston and orders a coffee. The two share this amazing spark and then they go their separate ways. Later on in the story Nora joins a Midnight Running group as she has gotten a job promotion which means she can't run in the mornings.  Turns out that Kingston is on the team but the thing is when Nora runs she wears her contacts and her hair up in a runners ponytail and Kingston doesn't recognise her. We then read as Kingston is torn between the two women - the Barista and the Runner except we know they are the same woman. When things start to look up though, will their HEA turn out short-lived when Kingston feels like he has been played ? Can Nora prove to him that she loves him and that it wasn't her intention as she believed he couldn't love someone as plain and boring like her ? Find out in this cutesy HEA tale where the Plain Jane or Nora in this case gets the Hot Guy- Kingston.  PS : one of this things I loved in this book was that Kingston's nephews adding that country feel were called Blake and Shelton :)
This made me smile as I am a big country singer fan.



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