VBT# Own Me - Lexi Scott

Own Me 

Review: Own Me - Book #3 The Silver Strand Series - Lexi Scott - August 2015

When life gives you lemons, they say that you make lemonade and in Own Me by Lexi Scott - that's just what two people will do to ensure happiness between the both of them.  Own Me starts off with Adam who is a PHD student doing grad work and he has just recieved a letter from the government telling him that he needs to return home to Israel. Despite his hard work , he has been too focused on yeast and bacteria that he forgot to fill out his papers and now his visa has expired and it's too late to apply for a new one. He can't go home as if he returns back to his homeland - he can never get the opportunity to come back to the States and he will be stuck working in a dead -end job that his father hooked up for him.  Meanwhile Genevieve is on the other end of the scale, she has brains but has trouble focusing and Adam is her tutor. She is finding it hard being at home as she is seen as useless but Adam knows deep down she is a great person. If Genevieve doesn't pass her courses , then she will fail - so she can't lose Adam. Recently , though her life has been difficult as her childhood friend and crush Deo has just announced his engagement and is getting married. Fast forward to the party and Adam is working as a caterer. One thing leads to another and Genevieve gives Adam the perfect way to stay in the US - he marries her and so begins a whirlwind relationship and marriage that at the beginning is just two friends helping each other but of course over time they start to develop actual feelings for one another.  Can the pair make this marriage work and actually let down their walls for one another and prove not only to their families but to immigration - that they love each other and that this wedding isn't a sham for Adam to just get a green card .
Find out in Book #3 Silver Strand Series "Own Me" .



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