Review: All the Little Lights - Jamie McGuire

All the Little Lights

Review: All the Little Lights - Jamie McGuire - May 2018
Every Summer Elliott Youngblood would come and stay with his Aunt Leigh and Uncle John in the small town where his mother grew up. He would come to get a break from his arguing parents. One summer, he was climbing a tree and spotted a young girl named Catherine. From that Summer, they would hang out and became the best of friends. The pair were inseparable, and Elliott found a friend with Catherine despite the growing rumors of her odd family. One Summer, Catherine arrived home to find her dad had, had a heart attack and died and to make matters worse, her best friend had gone without a word as that same day Elliott's mother Kay had come to take Elliott home. A couple of years pass, and the two loose contact, Elliott, however, had always and will forever love Catherine and made it his goal to return and move in with his Aunt so he can be closer to Catherine again. However, the Catherine he knew is gone, and this new Catherine has pushed everyone away. Can Elliott woo Catherine and regain her friendship and trust? During the book, we also read that Catherine's life isn't the greatest with her mother turning her house into a boarding home and having an endless array of visitors throughout the door. Just as Catherine is falling hard for Elliott, the mean girl Presley goes missing, and Elliott is the main suspect. Can Elliott prove to Catherine that he didn't do anything? I have to say the major twist in the end with this book, I did not see coming but after reading it - it did make a lot of sense.  I will leave you with the knowledge that this book deals with Mental Illnesses and Domestic Abuse, so if that is a trigger be prepared. If you are in the mood for a book that will blow you away, then add Jamie McGuire's new May release to your must-read lists.


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