Review: Birthday Girl - Penelope Douglas

Birthday Girl

Review: Birthday Girl - Penelope Douglas - April 2018
Penelope Douglas is one of those authors; I find you get excited when her newest release is finally published and when you get your hands on it - you find yourself wanting to read it straight away.  For me, I have to admit I was a little disappointed with Birthday Girl and the reasoning behind that was I loved Punk 57 and found that to be one of the best books I had read for a while. So, still reeling with how awesome Punk 57 was, I went into Birthday Girl with the same expectations but felt letdown. Birthday Girl is Jordan, it is her birthday and her boyfriend Cole is running late, so she goes to the movies. She finds herself sitting next to a handsome stranger who shares her love of movies and makes her laugh - his name is Pike. One thing leads to another, and we discover that her boyfriend Cole and Pike share the same DNA as father and son. Automatically, you can see what the book is about and the road it will take. I have to admit for me; I wanted Jordan to be with Pike as it seemed like the best choice and then it got me thinking about myself and whether it is an age thing as I am now at the stage where the older man seems to appeal to me rather than the same age guy. One thing I did hate about this book was that I am not one when it comes to playing games and this book does have a lot of that emotional manipulation and back and forth, it's like - MAN UP and confess your feelings and if you both love each other then F the world and move on and be happy. Don't pussyfoot around one another and make each other miserable because you feel you have to please one another's family and the rest of the world. As you can see, this book for me was an average read and yes, if you want an Older Man/ Younger woman romance, then this can be the read for you. If you want anything else, then don't hold your breath.


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