Review: The Possible - Tara Altebrando

The Possible

Review: The Possible - Tara Altebrando - June 2017

All Kaylee's life strange things have happened that have been shaken off as nothing but mere coincidences. Now at seventeen, Kaylee is about to learn that she is not only adopted but that her real mother Crystal is currently up for parole as she was sentenced to life in prison for murdering her baby son. Kaylee was four when this happened, and it turns out that she testified against her mother and was one of the key witnesses. Enter Liane; she is making a podcast about Crystal's life as she was a teenage also when Crystal first became famous for her psychic abilities and TK. Has Kaylee inherited the gifts from her mother? As the podcast is released though, Kaylee is about to discover that the people she thought were her friends are about to turn on her as lies and stories from her past unravel to fit the "psychic box." Can Kaylee prove that she is nothing like her mother or has she truly inherited her mother's so-called gift?  I have to admit the ending of this book annoyed me a little as I was hoping to read more of what Crystal's theory of what happened to the baby and more of the storyline involving Kaylee of what happened before Crystal's arrest. Overall, if you are looking for a book that will open your mind to the possibility of mind control and powers, then check out Tara Altebrando's "The Possible" today.


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