Review: Georgetown Academy - Book #1 - Jessica Koosed Etting / Alyssa Embree Schwartz

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Review: Georgetown Academy - Book #1 - Jessica Koosed Etting and Alyssa Embree Schwartz - October 2012

Scrolling through my Kindle and read my older books as I have been struggling with connecting to books this past month. I decided to give the first book in Georgetown Academy a go. I had gotten this series as the politics and high school angle had drawn me in. Georgetown Academy is made of students whose families are part of the Politic circle in the US. If you are a student in this school, it means your parents are part of this term's government in one way or another. This book follows four students - Evan, Brinley, Ellie, and Taryn. Four girls who are different in all aspects but have one thing in common - Politics.  Evan is one of the few kids at the school whose parents aren't in politics - they are Professors, etc. She is at Georgetown Academy on a scholarship and working this term as an intern at the newspaper in the Political area. She will have to become the eyes and the ears of the school to get ahead of the game and show her political news worth. What happens though when she is torn between exposing her best friend Liam and also falling for someone else's boyfriend Hunter? Brinley has always been the Queen Bee and dating Graeme who is the VP's son. Her family is History Famous and have also starred on the cover of being the best Political family 5 years in a row. What happens though when her family is upstaged by newcomer Taryn? Ellie has the perfect boyfriend in Hunter, but what will happen when her first love Gabe comes back to Georgetown Academy - even worse their parents are political enemies? Taryn, the newcomer is thrust into a whole new playing field, what will happen though when the most popular girl in the school feels threatened by her and starts some dangerous rumors that could affect her family's political reputation?
Find out all this and more in this drama-filled, angsty YA romance/scandals galore tale - Georgetown Academy Book #1 and stay tuned for more adventures from Georgetown Academy with the next book in the series.



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