Review: King of Devon - Naleighna Kai

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Review: King of Devon - Book #4 Kings of the Castle Series - Naleighna Kai - December 2019

After having a bad week of DNF's, I decided to go back and read some older books, especially those part of series or authors I had previously enjoyed. Scrolling through my kindle, I came across another book which is part of the Kings of the Castle series - each book besides the first can be read as a standalone which means if you are like me and read series out of order it's alright. In King of Devon, we meet Jai who for years has thought that he and Vikkas who is also part of the Castle could pass for brothers and turns out they really are half-brothers and that the web of family secrets runs very deep between each of the brothers' families. I have been looking forward to reading this book as we had hinted in the other books of the series about Jai's story.  Each of the Kings in their brotherhood has a specialty that they bring to the table and Jai's is the art of healing and second chances. He owns a holistic wellness hospital and hires felons with one twist - each of the felons hasn't committed crimes relating to children or partner domestic abuse or crimes against women. One of his clients ended up pregnant while in a coma and now his men and clinic are in the spotlight. Can Jai get to the truth of what happened and in return he will also provide for Temple DeVaughn and the baby India. While getting to the truth though Jai will encounter dirty politics, blackmail, and evil family members the bright spot is that he may also finally get his own HEA and an instant family to love and care for.



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