Review: My Unexpected Forever - Heidi McLaughlin

My Unexpected Forever (Beaumont #2)

Review: My Unexpected Forever - Book #2 The Beaumont Series - Heidi McLaughlin - September 2013

November has been a bit of a hard month for me in terms of reading as I have found myself DNF'ing too many books this month. Almost just as many as I have finished. So I decided to go back to the beginning and read some old favorite authors and books I have had sitting on my kindle to read for years. This particular series I had read Book #1 back in 2013 and have had the rest still waiting to read. I remembered how much I loved the first book, so was sure I would love this one and I did enjoy it and I also have a new book boyfriend to add to my list which I haven't felt anyone worthy to add for a few years also - Harrison James. Harrison is the main male lead in My Unexpected Forever and is a drummer in Liam’s band and a single dad to Quinn. He is also in love with Katelyn who lost her husband Mason in the first book and is now a single mother to her twins Peyton and Ella. I have to admit I was dubious of Katelyn as she was so judgemental and cared what others thought just a bit too much for my liking but she does grow on you by the end of the story. I fell for Harrison straightaway as underneath that rockstar and tattoos exterior is an amazing sensitive guy who just wants to be loved and fears rejection so much that it hurts him to the core. The other thing I loved about this book was that the kids - Noah - a little but mainly Quinn, Peyton, and Ella were featured heavily and kids in books are always so down-to-earth, honest, and blunt, and make the story more enjoyable.  I am now looking forward to finally getting on with the rest of this series as I am sure I will also find them as enjoyable as the first two books in the series.



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