Review: All Your Fault - NJ Moss

All Your Fault

Review: All Your Fault - NJ Moss - June 2021

My feelings for this psychological thriller are conflicted as I write this review because it is a book I managed to finish but the last few chapters, I was like seriously all this because of some tiny thing that happened twenty years ago when you were teenagers, it was overkill. The book started well when Grace and her little sister Hope are outside riding their bikes when Hope is hit by a car and the car speeds off. Hope dies and then the book jumps to modern times where we learn after this incident that Grace had a hard life growing up and was forgotten about and her relationship with her parents strained as she believes that the wrong daughter was killed. We also learn that there are Mental Health issues that run in Grace's family as her Grandmother killed herself due to schizophrenia. In the present time, Grace's youngest Russ has just started school and she has ventured back out into the workforce and gets a job as a PA for a guy named Clive. Things are going great for her job, so much that her husband can finally quit the job he hates and starts writing full-time, and then he gets a publishing contract and life seems to be steadily going on the upwards for them both. That is until strange things start happening for Grace and she wonders if she is inheriting her grandmother's mental illness or is she being gaslighted to think she is crazy as things about Hope and her death are suddenly being brought into the present. The book then reaches the OMG moment and we see the twist and I have to say seriously WTF and for me, this was where the book went downhill faster than Hope did and crashed and burned like she did as we come face to face with the most complex gaslighting experience ever that felt so very much OTT and unnecessary for something that happened twenty freaking years ago.  It's endings like this that ruin thrillers for me as you have a great build-up and then a massive letdown.  If you like thrillers and need something to read then you can check it out but it's not something I would rush out and read due to the ending.



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