Review: Sleep Deprived - Therese Heckenkamp

Sleep Deprived

Review: Sleep Deprived - Therese Heckenkamp - January 2022

Sleep-Deprived was a book that I was going blind into and I have to admit I am glad I did as this book was a great read and very fast-paced as it kept my attention and it wasn't till I looked at the total percentage read and I was already at 74% and I was like where did that go as the book felt like it had only begun. The thing though was I didn't feel like the book was cut short either. Sleep-Deprived is one of those stand-alone thrillers and worth reading. It does touch on the deaths of babies though as a warning. The book starts at the local graveyard where our main character Mrs. K aka Mae is visiting her daughter Melody's grave. Her daughter we learn recently died of SIDS and Mae blames herself. While at the grave, she meets John and his baby Leana who is busy crying. John tells Mae that his wife has died and he doesn't know what to do. Mae offers to help, but imagine her surprise when she sees the baby isn't his but a kidnapped child. Soon Mae will find herself accused of kidnapping the baby and John isn't happy that his plans were foiled by Mae and he wants her to help him steal another baby or she's dead. No one believes Mae though, can she with the help of her husband Warren prove she is telling the truth and in doing so, will this help heal their marriage after their tragedy? Find out in this awesome psychological thriller Sleep Deprived by Therese Heckenkamp - a fast-paced thriller that won't disappoint.



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