Review: Burning Secrets - Jane Blythe ( Count to Ten Series)

Burning Secrets (Count to Ten #6.5)

Review: Burning Secrets - Book #6.5 Count To Ten Series - Jane Blythe - November 2018

A favorite series of mine that I enjoyed was Australian author Jane Blythe's Count to Ten Series as I loved how all the characters connected right from the very first book to the last and by the time we read Book #10 you feel like you are a part of this crazy extended family and if any characters know tragedy then it is the main characters of the Count to Ten series throughout. Reading books with characters like this and seeing them overcome, makes you want to be as resilient as them - and yes, I know it's fiction but you can still aim to be like them. As I had just finished Book #10,  I had a look at the list and noticed a novella of which I was previously unaware. So I hopped on Amazon and one-clicked the book. Burning Secrets starts with the Oliver family being killed in a fire and it turns out to be arson and murder as the door was nailed shut from the outside.  Things though get a bit darker when underneath the house in the basement, they find a girl who has been tortured and not part of the Oliver family. Who is she and how is she connected? This case hits Paige and her husband Elias a bit harder as the Oliver children were adopted and grew to hate each other, as we learn they were a very unhappy family. Paige starts to worry about her daughters as does Ryan with Sophie. When another family burns but manages to survive, can Paige and Ryan find out who is behind this and why? This book took an interesting twist and the diagnosis of Munchausen Syndrome comes into play. This illness has always fascinated me as one of my siblings suffers from a mild form of this growing up. Thank goodness she has grown out of it but it did take right up to her mid-late 20s and part of me was glad to see her children be looked after by other relatives, as I do worry that if they had stayed with her - they may have ended up being caught up in the web of Munchausen by Proxy as they are both on the Autism / Aspergers spectrum and it could have been worse for them. Overall, if you are just tuning in and wanting a good series - then check out the Count to Ten Series by Jane Blythe - starting with the obvious Book #1 aka One.



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