Review: The Fiction Class - Susan Breen

Review: The Fiction Class - Susan Breen - January 2008

Ever been stuck in a reading slump? After reading The Last Dragon King by Leia Stone last Thursday, everything I had tried since then was just blah and it took me four days to finally crack the reading slump even then as I typed this past week's reviews, I only read 5 books and for me that is still considered a bit on the quiet side. I have thought being near Christmas and that wind-down period from work as the near of the year arrives, we all get a bit tired and in a frustrated indescive mood. As a fan of books about books and writing, I figured this would be a safe bet to pull me out of the slump and it did. The book is set in an Introduction to Fiction Writing class taken by Arabella Hicks. She dreams of being a writer herself but spends her time writing reports and copywriting and teaching the class as well as visiting her mother in the rest home. This book is set during the class lessons where we get to know Arabella and her students through the lesson plans this isn't just some fiction class, but will also help the classmates learn in their real lives to be themselves, aim for the stars, and who knows what might eventuate from love, romance, and friendship. If you love books about writing or fancy yourself a beginner writer, then you will love The Fiction Class. Included is also the list of assignments which you can give yourself a go and practice. I did a couple of these exercises with my partner as it was also interesting to see his views compared to mine.



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