Review: Underneath the Sycamore Tree - B. Celeste

Review: Underneath the Sycamore Tree - B. Celeste - September 2019

This book had been sitting on my bookshelf to read and finally last week, I got around to reading it boy this does pack the emotional punch as part of it is a heartbreaking read as this book contains a lot of angst and a huge amount of grief and the different ways that grief can affect a person. Also, a few ways that having someone with a terminal illness can creep in and take over your life and those around you. I don't normally cry in books, but I did find myself, especially in that last chapter tearing up as some of the book hit home a little too close as the main character Emery is dying and then she starts suffering from kidney failure as her main symptom and she had signs like she had put on a lot of weight but turned out to be water weight from the kidney damage and at the moment, it flashed my mind back a couple of weeks ago when I saw my sister who was diagnosed with renal cancer and it had triggered kidney failure for her.  I would say if you aren't good with sad books and you tend to be triggered easily, then skip this one unless you want to be a bawling mess and have those tissues ready as you will be going through a whole box, but on the other hand, if you are like me then you may need only a few to dab your eyes as they may well up but not exactly cry. Without going too deep, we have twins with autoimmune disease - Lupus, we have a dad who died of a brain tumor and then we have the aftermath of grief in two different families. Each chooses to grieve differently.  I shall finish here by saying if you need an ugly cry then B. Celeste's Underneath the Sycamore Tree is the read for you.



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