Review: Kindred Spirits - Rainbow Rowell

Standing in Line for Star Wars (1977) – ReelRetrodad

Review: Kindred Spirits - Rainbow Rowell - February 2016

You know those days you can sometimes have when you want to read, but nothing grabs you, and then the time is getting later and later and you just need something to hit that spot and scratch that need to read itch? When these moments hit, as they do hit for everyone, I like to go for reading a quick read novella. An author I have enjoyed most of their books as they do tend to focus on the quirky and geek/ nerd culture is Rainbow Rowell and Kindred Spirits was just that as the title suggests a group of three kindred spirits. The book starts with the new Star Wars movie being released at the end of the week and for Elena, she is excited and wants to experience that feeling with other Star Wars fans. She remembers reading about the massive line-up for the original Star Wars movie and decides to go four days earlier and camp out with other fans. However, her hopes will be slightly dashed as there are only 2 others in line but she is determined to stick it out. Over the next few days, she will make friends with the other two and experience some new things that will make her Star Wars experience a time to never forget. Kindred Spirits was a cutesy read and reminded me too of how geek and nerd culture has become mainstream and something "cool", whereas deep down the real geeks and nerds did it because it is part of them, not to be part of the cool kids' crowd.



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