Review: Never Forget You - Fiona Lucas

Review: Never Forget You - Fiona Lucas - September 2022

I was left in two minds after reading this book as it was one of my favorite tropes and one of those soulmates/true love, once-in-a-lifetime love stories but at the same time, I had picked it up as the back seemed like it would be emotional and the book boasted an emotional journey which I had hinted possible crying in spots and that was what I happened to be in the mood for. Unfortunately, this book didn't make me cry or tear up but it was a #meetcute romance love story, one of those once-in-a-lifetime love reads where despite obstacles and time passing, you know that these two people are just supposed to be together. The book starts with Lilli and Ben who meet each other in London in a secret garden and spend the next 3 hours together. Ben wishes he could stay longer, but for the next year, he is about to embark on his big trip around the world. The pair make a goal to meet each other at the church, a year from now. One year passes and only Ben shows up as Lilli believes he ghosted her. The book then jumps four years and a female known as Alice turns up in the little Scottish town where Ben lives. The girl looks just like his Lilli, but the thing is she doesn't have a clue who he is and she turns out to be suffering from amnesia. What happened to her and why is she here? What led her to Ben's hometown,  five years later? The book then flips between the past/present and what Lilli and Ben had been up to for the past five years and what led to Lilli's amnesia. What will happen though when Lilli gets her memory back and sees Ben? Has Ben lost his chance again to be with the one he has always loved since that single day five years ago? Find out in this UK Fiction slow-burn romance "Never Forget You" by Fiona Lucas.



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