Review: Best Friends Forever - Jennifer Weiner

Are you a fan of the author Jennifer Weiner ? Did you enjoy the books In Her Shoes , Certain Girls , Little Earthquakes ?
Check out her 2nd to latest novel "Best Friends Forever"
Review: Best Friends Forever - Jennifer Weiner - 2010
Are you wanting a novel that almost falls from the normal Chick Lit category and into a mystery ? Jennifer Weiner has fantastically crafted Chick Lit with a hint of mystery in her new novel "Best Friends Forever". The novel starts the night of a 20+yr high school reunion with the characters Valerie and Dan Swansea. Val was a Cheerleader in high school and the girl who Dan Swansea humiliated with lies and rumours. Now years later, she is getting her revenge but all does not go to plan and it all goes to custard - the scene involves a naked Dan and Blood . With nowhere else to turn, Val returns to the home of her childhood friend Addie asking for help.  The two were best friends as young ones and thought that they would be friends forever until in high school when Valerie betrayed Addie and turned her back for the popular crowd instead of her loyal friend.
Can Addie forgive Val for the incident that broke their friendship and when it is discovered that Dan Swansea is in fact missing , the cops get involved and we soon read as Addie and Val do a Thelma and Louise across to Key West as they try and find Dan themselves and evade the law at the same time. Will this road trip be what they need to re-discover themselves and clear the air about what really happened those many moons ago ? Will Addie and Val be able to reclaim the title of Best Friends Forever ?
Find out in Best Friends Forever by Jennifer Weiner.


  1. I LOVE Jen Weiner! I didn't even realize this was out! Thanks for the review!


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