Your Blog's Personality - MBTI

For those who know me personally will know that I am in LOVE with the MBTI Test and when I did it, I just had to get all my close friends to do it also :) and I came out an INFJ predominantly though depending on the day or my mood , I can swing between an INFJ or an ISFJ as my Intuitive side and Senser side were almost exact , I think that I swayed like 52% and 48% between the two of them.
So I went onto this site that lead me to which allows you to plug in your blog's address and they analyze it , to see what personality type it gets .
The Phantom Paragrapher recieved an ISTP Personality Type , so I decided to test my old blog which I had for Five Years on/off prior to The Phantom Paragrapher and it also came out as an ISTP. So Officially readers , I have the writing styles of an ISTP.

ISTP - The Mechanics
The independent and problem-solving type. They are especially attuned to the demands of the moment and are highly skilled at seeing and fixing what needs to be fixed. They generally prefer to think things out for themselves and often avoid inter-personal conflicts.
The Mechanics enjoy working together with other independent and highly skilled people and often like seek fun and action both in their work and personal life. They enjoy adventure and risk such as in driving race cars or working as policemen and firefighters.

So, Readers - Have you done the MBTI Test for yourself ? Head to and then Bloggers get your pages analyzed at


  1. I love it! The analysis says your blog has an action/adventure personality. Does it feel that exciting to write?

  2. @Unruly - I guess in a way it does as to me Writing book reviews is something Im passionate about :) and to me it is exciting as some reviews I cant wait to write as I want to tell the reader all about the most amazing book in the world I read LOL.


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