VBT# Burden of Blood - Wenona Husley

Today's VBT# is author Wenoa Hulsey and her novel Burden of Blood , courtesy of Bookish Snob Promotions.
COMPETITION INCLUDED :We are hosting a giveaway copy of Burden of Blood , So readers leave a comment with your name and email to be in to win an Ebook Version .

Burden of Blood
Synopsis : Burden of Blood - Wenona Husley
No one wants to know everyone’s darkest secrets, especially not police officer, Nicole Keenan. All she wants is a blissfully normal life in the small, Alabama town where she was born. But as generations of power running through her veins start to wake up, an ancient grudge is ignited that threatens to push her over the edge. She can hardly believe in what she is, let alone that a dark force will not stop until she's joins them. Or is dead.
Nicole Keenan's life enters into a dangerous dance with warriors and gothic fairies. Southern tradition collides with Irish folklore as she learns about love, heartbreak, and The Burden of Blood.

Chapter Excerpt :\
Nicole’s eyes bolted open when she heard the car’s wheels start to squeal as they raced over the off ramp. Her heart started thumping hard in her chest and her palms began to sweat. Thoughts of failing her dad kept pushing their way into her head. What if I don’t make it in time? What am I going to do if he’s already on the airplane? What if Dad decides to run and gets hurt? She could feel the power inside of her building up as if it knew a fight was coming. It coursed through her veins like hot lava. Her vision became perfectly clear and her breathing increased to become rapid. Her whole body began to pulsate with power as her fingertips started to tingle with electricity.
“Nicole you’ve got to control it. Take a deep breath and focus. If you go into the airport like that, everyone will start running and we will lose your dad.”
Nicole looked down at herself and saw that her hands were ablaze. She lifted them to her face turning them from front to back. “Holy hell, this is amazing!” Luke’s hand reached past her to pull down the vanity mirror. Her mouth dropped open when she looked at her eyes. They were glowing bright red. “Kat is going schedule me for an exorcism for sure now.” she mumbled under her “Now here’s where you’ve got to trust me to be your warrior. I’m going to calm you down, okay?” he reached toward her flaming hand.
Nicole jerked her hand out of his reach. “Wait, I don’t want to hurt you, you’re going to get burnt if you touch me.”
“Not unless you want to hurt me. You control this Nicole, and in time you will learn to tame it, but until then you’re going to have to trust me. I promised I would never use my power to hurt you, you can take my word.” he reached again for her hand.
Nicole closed her eyes and tried to focus on calming down. The power was so strong inside of her. It was itching to get out and she wanted to give it its chance but she knew now was not the time. She felt Luke’s hand settle on hers as he slowly laced his fingers with her own. A cooling sensation started to flow into her palm. Slowly it worked its way up her arm then spread across her body like a soft blanket. The tranquility she remembered from the last time Luke touched her settled in. She grasped his hand tightly as he began rubbing small circles with his thumb on the back of her hand. Nicole could feel the start of a new fire kindling deep within her. Not again, she gave herself a mental slap and opened her eyes. She flashed Luke an appreciative smile then let his hand go.
“You good?” he asked.
“Yes, let’s do this….and thanks again.” They were coming to a stop in front of the airport. Luke had not slowed the car during her melt-down and she was grateful.


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