VBT# Dancing Her Dreams Away - Alretha Thomas

Today's VBT# is authoress Alretha Thomas and her novel -the first in a series "Dancing her dreams away". This VBT# is courtesy of Pump Up Your Books Promotions.

Dancing Her Dreams Away (Volume 1)
Review: Dancing her Dreams Away - Volume One -Alretha Thomas -March 2011
One of the age-old tales of people going to Hollywood and LA is for one thing - To become Famous , they always either say I've come to Hollywood to be an actress or to become a singer and unfortunately , LA turns out to be such a big place and there isn't jobs for everyone , so these people take what they can get whether it becomes prostution , burlesque or working in a strip club doing lap dances. Dancing her Dreams Away takes us into the life of Shelia and in some ways reading this novel, you could imagine that you were reading somebody's true life account as Shelia takes a job dancing in Flamingo's Bar as she dreams of one day becoming a famous actress , she then meets an amazing producer who has it all - the connections and the wealth. He offers Shelia the dream life , however she is about to discover that dreams like this can come with baggage and ulterior motives as she begins to head down a road of drugs, alcohol, addiction etc. When Shelia discovers the truth behind Greg the Producer's past, it forces her to think about her life and re-evaluate it . Shelia then checks herself into Rehab -again like most Hollywood stars do on a regular basis. Can Shelia stay clean and get her life back on track or will she when she comes out fall back into a routine and life with her friends at Flamingo's bar and once again Dance her Dreams Away ?
Find out in this amazingly written novel that you could swear if you didn't know it was Fiction - it could be the true account of someone's life.


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