VBT# - Ultimate Sacrifice -S.E Green

Ultimate Sacrifice

Review: Ultimate Sacrifice - S.E Green - October 2017

I knew as soon as I had requested this book to read and review that I would love it and I did. I first read S.E Green when she was writing under Shannon Greenland and then moved on to her other books starting with Killer Instinct. Ultimate Sacrifice was a dark and twisty tale with an ending that will have you screaming WTF and OMFG, how did we not see that coming and as the ending sinks into your mind - you think back to every single character in the book, and you can start to connect the dots. Ultimate Sacrifice was quite an intense read as it starts with the murder of a four-year-old girl and she is killed in a way that looks like a satanic ritual. The girl was found on Vickie's family property, and now her whole family is main suspects. Vickie knows her family couldn't have harmed the child or could they have? Ultimate Sacrifice without giving too much of the story away is one teenage girl's journey to discovering the truth of how a young girl that she babysat and loved was murdered.  Ultimate Sacrifice is the perfect read for those who love YA crime and mystery novels and those who are ok with reading a book with Satanic views throughout the novel.
If you grew up loving the Point Horror novels that Lois Duncan and Christopher Pike etc. wrote in the 90's/2000's, then you will love S.E Green's Ultimate Sacrifice.


  1. This sounds like such a fun book and mysteries are my fav! Glad you liked it! :)


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