Review: Killing Kate - Alex Lake

Killing Kate

Review: Killing Kate - Alex Lake - January 2017

Kate and her friends were close growing up, and they were a foursome that no-one could split up. That was until five years ago when something tragic happened to her friend Beth. Kate was the only one who could see what was happening with Beth and her new boyfriend Colin but didn't help till it was too late. Five years later Kate is re-evaluating her life and has just split up from her high school boyfriend Phil and headed to Turkey on holiday with her friends Gemma and May. Kate has a one-night stand in Turkey and is enjoying her life. Meanwhile back home, a serial killer is on the loose, and all the victims look just like Kate. They could be her sisters. They all have what Kate's grandmother called The Old Irish Look. As Kate returns home, more woman her age turn up dead and then when her ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend is a victim, he becomes the main suspect. Is Phil the killer, killing because Kate broke his heart or is the killer someone else close to Kate? About 3/4 quarters of the way through the book when old cases were surfaced, I guessed who the killer was but then it wasn't till near the end of the story that I figured the reason behind the killing and why Kate was targeted.  If you love murder mysteries and ones set in the UK that are fast-paced, then Alex Lake is an author to add to your list, this is the second book I have read by Alex Lake.


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